I periodically review Azure PaaS resource edge security. As a part of that process I examine and cleanup AzureSQL firewall rules. Once you have more than a handful of subscriptions and AzureSQL databases, doing this manually starts becoming unfeasible. To that end, Azure Powershell is your friend… As is typical, you need to install the […]

FIRST – I am stealing code here and re-sharing (with very little modification). All credit goes the fine gentleman that wrote these two articles, I would urge you to read them: Bulk Add IP Access Restrictions to Azure App Service Using AZ Powershell Bulk Add Cloudflares IPs to Azure App Service Access Restrictions Using AZ […]

One of most difficult things to find (imho) is information about API and Service URL’s for just about any and all applications. Microsoft is better than some (Dell, I am looking at you…) but it can still require some metaphorical google search back flips to get to the right information. That said… I wanted to […]

I have a limited number of IPv4 addresses available to me on my servers. So I am really frugal with how I assign them. Whenever possible, my preference is to use NAT off of the main Proxmox IP. However I struggled to get this setup while also using the built-in Proxmox firewall that comes in […]

On Thursday I released an article detailing how to get Proxmox setup and also how to configure networking with IPv6. However that article got long and I just said I would address the firewall in the future. Well, that’s today because I need to get the configuration stuff written down before I forget. In addition […]

If you don’t know what a firewall is, let’s start there… A firewall is basically a digital “wall” that sits on the edge of your network or device. When someone makes a connection over a network or the internet to your server, they connect by the IP address + a Port. Firewalls, on a very […]