When your business hinges upon remote workers and remote offices, secure connections, and lots of data manipulation… how do you deal with some of your folks being extra remote? Granted the internet in 2020 is very different from the internet in say 2008 and the world has grown ever smaller as a result… but distance […]

I have been taking a free networking class from Stanford University’s online “open source” education platform. I have really been enjoying the first unit of the course as it has started filling in some gaps in the foundation of my understanding regarding networking, the internet, and TCP/IP. I highly recommend this to anyone that has […]

In a previous post I dealt with setting up an OpenVPN Community Edition server which is the free version of OpenVPN. I had initially hoped to use Authy for two-factor authentication in addition to LDAP but later found out that wasn’t going to work. So now I am looking at using DUO for two-factor authentication […]