I have been learning a ton of PHP lately in an effort to build a significant amount of custom functionality into a Drupal website. As I am not a developer by trade it has been a steep climb upward. Lately I have been refactoring a lot of my code using functions. Being a noob however, […]

I have been doing some work on a drupal site recently and working heavily with Taxonomy. I had a need to identify Taxonomy terms based on the person that created them. The problem with taxonomy terms is that unlike traditional content types, author information isn’t automatically appended when a term is created. Terms are just […]

In this DigitalOcean article, as a part of a series to help developers with scaling, we will be talking about configuring Varnish with Drupal. This will greatly reduce the amount of time it takes users to load your Drupal based website, and increase t Source: How To Configure Varnish for Drupal with Apache on Debian […]

Need to administer some drupal stuff from the command-line? DRUSH is the answer. But first you need to get it installed. I am putting the commands to run here to do just that for my own future reference. Hope this is of benefit to everyone else! Elevate yourself: sudo -s Check if Pear is installed: […]

So we are all probably familiar with the Heartbleed bug at this point. Remediating this issue on a couple of servers that I admin required moving from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10. I am going to go into a few of the problems I ran into when I made the jump…

The company I work for operates an internal drupal websites that I built. Everyone authenticates using their Microsoft Active Directory user accounts. That means that Microsoft Active Directory handles their passwords and email addresses and a host of other things that Drupal would normally handle if we were just authenticating against the database. Therefore one […]

I am attempting to integrate SSO (Single Sign On) with Facebook for one of my Drupal sites. (www.rockchipfirmware.com). After a bit of research and digging through modules I decided to give the “Drupal for Facebook” module a go. Talk about a PAIN IN THE AR$E… I should have suspected when the description of the module […]