This lovely item came across my feed today and I realized there is so much that I do poorly when it comes to shell scripting it is absurd 🙁 Anyhow I am extremely thankful for this long and detailed post and wanted to pass it along to my readership. I also wanted to crowd-source […]

A lot of my bash scripting experience has been, in one sense, relatively simple. I have several scripts that span several hundred lines and do fairly complex things across multiple systems. From that perspective they aren’t necessarily simple. However it wasn’t until recently that I had to really starting thinking about managing when scripts run […]

I am working on a project where I need to generate a random value and assign it to a variable… Initially I was doing this: var=$(date +%s | sha512sum | base64 | head -c 12 ; echo) Which was okay until I started executing my script more than once in a short period of time. […]