6 comments on: OpenFire – Don’t Change the Service Name

  1. Deepti

    Hey, I managed to do the same mistake as you, but I’m unable to “rebuild” like you suggested. I tried uninstalling openfire and reinstalling, and also the false trick, but it doesn’t seem to work for me. Can you point me in the right direction?

  2. nbeam


    OpenFire, blessedly, hasn’t required a lot of administration so I haven’t had to work much on it sincee I set it up. Per the article, I wasn’t comfortable with any of the other “fixes” I came across for this rather frustrating issue. I certainly feel your pain. I am not sure what the best way to go about straightening it out is if you can’t rebuild. What is preventing you from rebuilding the IM server (if I can ask)? I am thinking you could possibly backup the existing files/database if you need to keep historical chat logs and still go with a rebuild. That would be the primary thing that I would want to hold onto if the server has been around and in use for a while. However, I am also not sure if rebuilding for you also requires re-creating a bunch of user accounts in which case I could see it getting to be a bit of a bigger headache.

    • Deepti

      I tried to reinstall OpenFire to re-setup, apparently it did not get uninstalled correctly the first time, and hence I wasn’t able to go through with it. Now, it’s done. Thanks for your help!

      • nbeam

        Glad you were able to get it hammered out! I don’t think openfire software has seen an update in a long time, it would be nice if they could find a workaround for this issue so it wasn’t such a pain to fix.

  3. anon

    the fix is pretty easy. you just search the embedded database for a string matching the domain name you changed and then replace it for the ip address of your server. voilá.

    of course this doesn’t fix the domain name problem. and your jabber accounts will still be @ which sucks. but it’s better than having some serious downtime.

    in ubuntu the db is located at: /usr/share/openfire/embedded-db
    and is plaintex.

    • anon

      @ip-address … sry, forgot ppl tend to use character escaping.

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